sábado, 23 de junio de 2012

Carl Oscar Ahues

Carl Oscar Ahues (26 December 1883, Bremen – 31 December 1968, Hamburg) was a German chess International Master. He was Berlin champion in 1910. He was German Champion in 1929 winning the 26th DSB Congress in Duisburg. In 1930, he took 6th in San Remo (Alexander Alekhine won), tied for 4-5th in Scarborough (Edgar Colle won), and tied for 3-5th in Liege (Savielly Tartakower won). In 1931, he tied for 2nd-4th in Berlin (Herman Steiner won), and tied for 4-6th in Swinemünde (27th DSB Congress; Efim Bogoljubow and Ludwig Roedl won). Ahues represented Germany thrice in Chess Olympiads. In 1930, at first board in 3rd Chess Olympiad in Hamburg (+4 –3 =7), team bronze; In 1931, at second board in 4th Chess Olympiad in Prague (+3 –2 =8); In 1936, at second board in 3rd unofficial Chess Olympiad in Munich (+4 –1 =12), team bronze.

Richter,Kurt - Ahues,Carl Oscar [D00]
Berlin-ch (2), 1933
[Guillermo Muñoz Portugal]

D00: Apertura de peón de dama 1.d4 d5 - continuaciones poco usuales 1.d4 d5 2.Cc3 Af5 3.e3 Dd7 [3...e6 4.Ad3 (4.Cf3 Cd7 5.Ad3 Axd3 6.Dxd3 Cgf6 7.0-0 Ad6 8.e4 dxe4 9.Cxe4 0-0 10.Ag5 h6 11.Ah4 Ae7 12.Tfe1 Cd5 13.Axe7 Dxe7 14.Tad1 Tfd8 15.Db5 C5b6 16.Ce5 a6 17.De2 Cxe5 18.dxe5 Db4 Huszar,G (1682)-Horvath,M (2004) Kisber 2011 1-0 (38)) 4...Axd3 5.Dxd3 c6 6.Ad2 Cf6 7.Cf3 Cbd7 8.0-0 Ad6 9.e4 dxe4 10.Cxe4 Cxe4 11.Dxe4 Cf6 12.De2 Dc7 13.g3 h5 14.Ag5 0-0-0 15.a4 Tde8 16.c4 Ch7 17.Ae3 f6 18.Tab1 Rodriguez,F-Mora Manez,J (2180) Las Palmas 1995 0-1 (57)] 4.Cf3 Cc6 5.Ab5 f6 6.e4N [6.0-0 0-0-0 7.b4 Dd6 8.Tb1 Cxb4 9.Aa3 c5 10.Ad3 Axd3 11.cxd3 e5 12.dxc5 Dxc5 13.Axb4 Dc6 14.Axf8 Txf8 15.a4 Dxc3 16.Tc1 Dxc1 17.Dxc1+ Rb8 18.d4 Tc8 19.Db1 exd4 20.a5 a6 Li,F-Parfenov,S Natick 2004 1-0 (40); 6.Ch4 Ag4 7.Dd3 e5 8.dxe5 fxe5 9.Cxd5 Cf6 10.Cxf6+ gxf6+/=] 6...dxe4 [6...Axe4!? es interesante 7.Cxe4 dxe4=] 7.d5+/= a6 8.Aa4 e6 9.dxc6?

Dxd1+! 10.Cxd1 b5 11.Ab3 exf3 12.gxf3 Ce7 13.Ce3 e5 14.Ad2

El Negro evita el enroque corto 15.a4 Tc8 [15...Tb8 16.axb5 axb5 17.Ta6=/+] 16.axb5 axb5 17.Ta6 Cg6 18.Tg1 Cf4 19.Ta5 Tb8 20.Ta7 Tc8 21.Cg4 [21.Cd5!? Cxd5 22.Axd5=] 21...h5=/+ 22.Axf4 hxg4 23.Ae6 [23.Ae3!? parece mejor 23...gxf3 24.Tg3=] 23...Ac5-/+ 24.Tb7?? [24.Axc8 Axa7 25.Ad2 Rf7 26.Axg4 Axg4 27.fxg4 Txh2=/+] 24...Ta8 [mejor era >=24...g3!? 25.Axg3 Axe6 26.Txb5-+] 25.Txc7??

[también era buena 25...Ta1+ 26.Rd2 Txg1 27.Tc8+ Re7 28.Txh8 Ad6] 26.Txg7 g3 [26...g3 27.hxg3 Axe6 28.gxf4 Ta2-+] 0-1

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